How to Avoid Bad Breath

We all have bad breath from time to time. Learn dental hygiene tips to help get rid of occasional bad breath.

We all have bad breath from time to time. We’ll wake up with a dry mouth and have strong “morning breath”. Enjoying a meal full of garlic, onions, or horseradish can leave a bad smell in our mouth. During a common sinus infection we may have a dry mouth with an unpleasant odor. No one wants bad breath on a regular basis.

Chronic Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath, aka Halitosis, is a smell that does not go away from brushing your teeth, flossing, or using traditional mouthwash. People may find it too embarrassing to mention to their dentist, but it could be an early sign of gum disease or periodontal disease. Your dentist can help find out the cause of the odor, which could include cavities, cracked fillings, or a diet high in protein or acidic foods.

Getting Fresh Breath

Changing your dental hygiene routine can help get rid of occasional bad breath. For fresher breath, try:

  1. Brushing your tongue twice a day. While you’re brushing your teeth, brush your tongue as well, especially in the back. Brushing your tongue removes the smelly bacteria that contributes to bad breath. Tongue scrapers are an inexpensive way to clean your tongue as well, and can be found at most pharmacies.
  2. Use a fluoride mouthwash.
  3. Floss your teeth. Flossing get rid of hidden food particles which can cause odors.
  4. Chew sugar free gum. Chewing gum encourages saliva production which washes away the bacteria in your mouth.

Talk to your Dentist

Don’t let bad breath get you down. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment where we can review ways for you to prevent frequent bad breath.

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